Here are some of our social media links that we are involved in or with. We are in a LOT of groups and organizations but these are ones we admin, manage, or own.

Our Wolf-Beach Farms Facebook page. This is where you will find the latest info, pictures, videos, and product sales.
Wee-Wild Woman Facebook page. This is her business page and until she is old enough is a place holder for her and is managed by Rick and Brandie
Putnam County Homesteading group page. We wanted to get more involved with other homesteaders in our community and we created this page to do just that. We share homesteading info, local events, sell and swap homesteading items. When joining be sure to answer the questions and agree to the rules or you will not be accepted
Homesteaders of Indiana Bartering is a 100% barter only Facebook group that we co-manage. We came across several local groups but there wasn’t one statewide. When joining be sure to answer the questions and agree to the rules or you will not be accepted.
Like the state group Putnam County Bartertown (taken from Mad Max Beyond Thunderboomer)is a local group we manage for Putnam County Indiana with 100% barter only deals. Sometimes you don’t want to drive all over the state to make a deal and this is for Putnam County and close residents. When joining be sure to answer the questions and agree to the rules or you will not be accepted
Trash to Treasures is a group we created to help unwanted materials find a new home. We saw lots of things being thrown away that could have a new purpose vs end in a landfill. This group is to link people who may have a waste to someone who could use it. When joining be sure to answer the questions and agree to the rules or you will not be accepted
A Place to Roam was created by us to connect people who may have extra space on their land, or need help on their farms in exchange for labor or maybe rental. We were inspired by our friends at Brambleberry Farm in Paoli Indiana who have a farm incubator/apprentice program and hoped to connect others who may not be financially able or have other reasons preventing them from producing food or getting their hands dirty. When joining be sure to answer the questions and agree to the rules or you will not be accepted
Got Poop Indiana was created because we are in a bunch of different horse and farming groups and a bunch of gardening and agriculture groups and the horse people were having to pay to get rid of manure and the gardening groups were having to pay to get it. So we created a group to connect the two and fill both their needs.
Indianapolis Permaculture was one we started back when were were living in Indianapolis. After getting certified we wanted to share with more like minded individuals and educate about permaculture. It since expanded to cover the whole state but we have kept the Indianapolis name.

This is our YouTube Channel. We are working on getting more content out.
This is Wee Wild Woman’s YouTube Channel. All the videos on there either she has recorded herself or we have helped her. She has been experimenting on Tick Tock as well.
Wee Wild Woman and I decided to start a podcast Wee Wild Woman and The Fat-Man Farmer, while we were stuck in the vehicle running errands. We are improving and sometimes the audio isn’t the best. We talk about a wide range of topics. NOT SUITABLE FOR WORK or public listening. Wee has quite the mouth on her sometimes. I am not much better. You can also click the Podcasts on the menu bar.

While we don’t use Instagram all that much we do have a presence.
Links to places or recommendations. For product recommendations we have a separate page for that.
We have known Henderson farms for several years and become great friends. Adam and Kayla are great down to earth people and doing much of the same things we are on our farm. They are specializing in Boer Goats, Livestock Guardian Dogs and Pasture raised pigs. Recently they branched out into Hay and cattle. I will let their Facebook page speak for themselves. We can HIGHLY recommend their Anatolian Shepard Livestock Guardian dogs. We have one currently and plans to get another. Athena came very highly trained and we just needed to finalize her training to our farm. Puppies are exposed to chickens, ducks, pigs, goats, kids, cows, frequent visitors to the farm in addition to command training and manners. Both parents are onsite and help train the pups as well. What has be a overwhelming positive is none challenge fences or wander like the pyrenees tend to do.